8  Data wrangling

Data wrangling refers to combining, transforming, and re-arranging data to make it suitable for further analysis. We’ll use Pandas for all data wrangling operations.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

8.1 Hierarchical indexing

Until now we have seen only a single level of indexing in the rows and columns of a Pandas DataFrame. Hierarchical indexing refers to having multiple index levels on an axis (row / column) of a Pandas DataFrame. It helps us to work with a higher dimensional data in a lower dimensional form.

8.1.1 Hierarchical indexing in Pandas Series

Let us define Pandas Series as we defined in Chapter 5:

#Defining a Pandas Series
series_example = pd.Series(['these','are','english','words','estas','son','palabras','en','español',
0        these
1          are
2      english
3        words
4        estas
5          son
6     palabras
7           en
8      español
9           ce
10        sont
11         des
12     françai
13        mots
dtype: object

Let us use the attribute nlevels to find the number of levels of the row indices of this Series:


The Series series_example has only one level of row indices.

Let us introduce another level of row indices while defining the Series:

#Defining a Pandas Series with multiple levels of row indices
series_example = pd.Series(['these','are','english','words','estas','son','palabras','en','español',
English  1       these
         2         are
         3     english
         4       words
Spanish  1       estas
         2         son
         3    palabras
         4          en
         5     español
French   1          ce
         2        sont
         3         des
         4     françai
         5        mots
dtype: object

In the above Series, there are two levels of row indices:


8.1.2 Hierarchical indexing in Pandas DataFrame

In a Pandas DataFrame, both the rows and the columns can have hierarchical indexing. For example, consider the DataFrame below:

             [7.8,234.5,46.9,502],[6749, 597, 52, 305]])
df_example = pd.DataFrame(data,index = [['Demographics']*2+['Geography']*2,
                                      ['Population','Unemployment (%)','Area (mile-sq)','Elevation (feet)']],
                    columns = [['Illinois']*2+['California']*2,['Evanston','Chicago','San Francisco','Los Angeles']])
Illinois California
Evanston Chicago San Francisco Los Angeles
Demographics Population 771517.0 2697000.0 815201.0 3849000.0
Unemployment (%) 4.2 5.6 2.8 4.6
Geography Area (mile-sq) 7.8 234.5 46.9 502.0
Elevation (feet) 6749.0 597.0 52.0 305.0

In the above DataFrame, both the rows and columns have 2 levels of indexing. The number of levels of column indices can be found using the attribute nlevels:


The columns attribute will now have a MultiIndex datatype in contrast to the Index datatype with single level of indexing. The same holds for row indices.

MultiIndex([(  'Illinois',      'Evanston'),
            (  'Illinois',       'Chicago'),
            ('California', 'San Francisco'),
            ('California',   'Los Angeles')],

The hierarchical levels can have names. Let us assign names to the each level of the row and column labels:

#Naming the row indices levels
df_example.index.names=['Information type', 'Statistic']

#Naming the column indices levels
df_example.columns.names=['State', 'City']

#Viewing the DataFrame
State Illinois California
City Evanston Chicago San Francisco Los Angeles
Information type Statistic
Demographics Population 771517.0 2697000.0 815201.0 3849000.0
Unemployment (%) 4.2 5.6 2.8 4.6
Geography Area (mile-sq) 7.8 234.5 46.9 502.0
Elevation (feet) 6749.0 597.0 52.0 305.0

Observe that the names of the row and column labels appear when we view the DataFrame. get_level_values()

The names of the column levels can be obtained using the function get_level_values(). The outer-most level corresponds to the level = 0, and it increases as we go to the inner levels.

#Column levels at level 0 (the outer level)
Index(['Illinois', 'Illinois', 'California', 'California'], dtype='object', name='State')
#Column levels at level 1 (the inner level)
Index(['Evanston', 'Chicago', 'San Francisco', 'Los Angeles'], dtype='object', name='City')

8.1.3 Subsetting data

We can use the indices at the outer levels to concisely subset a Series / DataFrame.

The first four observations of the Series series_example correspond to the outer row index English, while the last 5 rows correspond to the outer row index Spanish. Let us subset all the observations corresponding to the outer row index English:

#Subsetting data by row-index
1      these
2        are
3    english
4      words
dtype: object

Just like in the case of single level indices, if we wish to subset corresponding to multiple outer-level indices, we put the indices within an additional box bracket []. For example, let us subset all the observations corresponding to the row-indices English and French:

#Subsetting data by multiple row-indices
English  1      these
         2        are
         3    english
         4      words
French   1         ce
         2       sont
         3        des
         4    françai
         5       mots
dtype: object

We can also subset data using the inner row index. However, we will need to put a : sign to indicate that the row label at the inner level is being used.

#Subsetting data by row-index
English     are
Spanish     son
French     sont
dtype: object
#Subsetting data by multiple row-indices
English  1    these
Spanish  1    estas
French   1       ce
English  2      are
Spanish  2      son
French   2     sont
dtype: object

As in Series, we can concisely subset rows / columns in a DataFrame based on the index at the outer levels.

City Evanston Chicago
Information type Statistic
Demographics Population 771517.0 2697000.0
Unemployment (%) 4.2 5.6
Geography Area (mile-sq) 7.8 234.5
Elevation (feet) 6749.0 597.0

Note that the dataype of each column name is a tuple. For example, let us find the datatype of the \(1^{st}\) column name:

#First column name
('Illinois', 'Evanston')
#Datatype of first column name

Thus columns at the inner levels can be accessed by specifying the name as a tuple. For example, let us subset the column Evanston:

#Subsetting the column 'Evanston'
Information type  Statistic       
Demographics      Population          771517.0
                  Unemployment (%)         4.2
Geography         Area (mile-sq)           7.8
                  Elevation (feet)      6749.0
Name: (Illinois, Evanston), dtype: float64
#Subsetting the columns 'Evanston' and 'Chicago' of the outer column level 'Illinois'
State Illinois
City Evanston Chicago
Information type Statistic
Demographics Population 771517.0 2697000.0
Unemployment (%) 4.2 5.6
Geography Area (mile-sq) 7.8 234.5
Elevation (feet) 6749.0 597.0

8.1.4 Practice exercise 1

Read the table consisting of GDP per capita of countries from the webpage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita .

To only read the relevant table, read the tables that contain the word ‘Country’.

How many levels of indexing are there in the rows and columns?

dfs = pd.read_html('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita', match = 'Country')
gdp_per_capita = dfs[0]
Country/Territory UN Region IMF[4] World Bank[5] United Nations[6]
Country/Territory UN Region Estimate Year Estimate Year Estimate Year
0 Liechtenstein * Europe 169049 2019 180227 2020
1 Monaco * Europe 173688 2020 173696 2020
2 Luxembourg * Europe 127673 2022 135683 2021 117182 2020
3 Bermuda * Americas 110870 2021 123945 2020
4 Ireland * Europe 102217 2022 99152 2021 86251 2020

Just by looking at the DataFrame, it seems as if there are two levels of indexing for columns and one level of indexing for rows. However, let us confirm it with the nlevels attribute.


Yes, there are 2 levels of indexing for columns.


There is one level of indexing for rows.

Subset a DataFrame that selects the country, and the United Nations’ estimates of GDP per capita with the corresponding year.

gdp_per_capita.loc[:,['Country/Territory','United Nations[6]']]
Country/Territory United Nations[6]
Country/Territory Estimate Year
0 Liechtenstein * 180227 2020
1 Monaco * 173696 2020
2 Luxembourg * 117182 2020
3 Bermuda * 123945 2020
4 Ireland * 86251 2020
... ... ... ...
217 Madagascar * 470 2020
218 Central African Republic * 481 2020
219 Sierra Leone * 475 2020
220 South Sudan * 1421 2020
221 Burundi * 286 2020

222 rows × 3 columns

Subset a DataFrame that selects only the World Bank and United Nations’ estimates of GDP per capita without the corresponding year or country.

gdp_per_capita.loc[:,(['World Bank[5]','United Nations[6]'],'Estimate')]
World Bank[5] United Nations[6]
Estimate Estimate
0 169049 180227
1 173688 173696
2 135683 117182
3 110870 123945
4 99152 86251
... ... ...
217 515 470
218 512 481
219 516 475
220 1120 1421
221 237 286

222 rows × 2 columns

Subset a DataFrame that selects the country and only the World Bank and United Nations’ estimates of GDP per capita without the corresponding year or country.

gdp_per_capita.loc[:,[('Country/Territory','Country/Territory'),('United Nations[6]','Estimate'),('World Bank[5]','Estimate')]]
Country/Territory United Nations[6] World Bank[5]
Country/Territory Estimate Estimate
0 Liechtenstein * 180227 169049
1 Monaco * 173696 173688
2 Luxembourg * 117182 135683
3 Bermuda * 123945 110870
4 Ireland * 86251 99152
... ... ... ...
217 Madagascar * 470 515
218 Central African Republic * 481 512
219 Sierra Leone * 475 516
220 South Sudan * 1421 1120
221 Burundi * 286 237

222 rows × 3 columns

Drop all columns consisting of years. Use the level argument of the drop() method.

gdp_per_capita = gdp_per_capita.drop(columns='Year',level=1)
Country/Territory UN Region IMF[4] World Bank[5] United Nations[6]
Country/Territory UN Region Estimate Estimate Estimate
0 Liechtenstein * Europe 169049 180227
1 Monaco * Europe 173688 173696
2 Luxembourg * Europe 127673 135683 117182
3 Bermuda * Americas 110870 123945
4 Ireland * Europe 102217 99152 86251
... ... ... ... ... ...
217 Madagascar * Africa 522 515 470
218 Central African Republic * Africa 496 512 481
219 Sierra Leone * Africa 494 516 475
220 South Sudan * Africa 328 1120 1421
221 Burundi * Africa 293 237 286

222 rows × 5 columns

In the dataset obtained above, drop the inner level of the column labels. Use the droplevel() method.

gdp_per_capita = gdp_per_capita.droplevel(1,axis=1)
Country/Territory UN Region IMF[4] World Bank[5] United Nations[6]
0 Liechtenstein * Europe 169049 180227
1 Monaco * Europe 173688 173696
2 Luxembourg * Europe 127673 135683 117182
3 Bermuda * Americas 110870 123945
4 Ireland * Europe 102217 99152 86251
... ... ... ... ... ...
217 Madagascar * Africa 522 515 470
218 Central African Republic * Africa 496 512 481
219 Sierra Leone * Africa 494 516 475
220 South Sudan * Africa 328 1120 1421
221 Burundi * Africa 293 237 286

222 rows × 5 columns

8.1.5 Practice exercise 2

Recall problem 2(e) from assignment 3 on Pandas, where we needed to find the African country that is the closest to country \(G\) (Luxembourg) with regard to social indicators.

We will solve the question with the regular way in which we use single level of indexing (as you probably did during this assignment), and see if it is easier to do with hierarchical indexing.

Execute the code below that we used to pre-process data to make it suitable for answering this question.

#Pre-processing data - execute this code
social_indicator = pd.read_csv("./Datasets/social_indicator.txt",sep="\t",index_col = 0)
social_indicator.geographic_location = social_indicator.geographic_location.apply(lambda x: 'Asia' if 'Asia' in x else 'Europe' if 'Europe' in x else 'Africa' if 'Africa' in x else x)
social_indicator = social_indicator.sort_index(axis=1)

Below is the code to find the African country that is the closest to country \(G\) (Luxembourg) using single level of indexing. Your code in the assignment is probably similar to the one below:

#Finding the index of the country G (Luxembourg) that has the maximum GDP per capita
country_max_gdp_position = social_indicator.gdpPerCapita.argmax()

#Scaling the social indicator dataset
social_indicator_scaled = social_indicator.iloc[:,2:].apply(lambda x: (x-x.mean())/(x.std()))

#Computing the Manhattan distances of all countries from country G (Luxembourg)
manhattan_distances = (social_indicator_scaled-social_indicator_scaled.iloc[country_max_gdp_position,:]).abs().sum(axis=1)

#Finding the indices of African countries
african_countries_indices = social_indicator.loc[social_indicator.continent=='Africa',:].index

#Filtering the Manhattan distances of African countries from country G (Luxembourg)
manhattan_distances_African = manhattan_distances[african_countries_indices]

#Finding the country among African countries that has the least Manhattan distance to country G (Luxembourg)

Use the method set_index() to set continent and country as hierarchical indices of rows. Find the African country that is the closest to country \(G\) (Luxembourg) using this hierarchically indexed data. How many lines will be eliminated from the code above? Which lines will be eliminated?

Hint: Since continent and country are row indices, you don’t need to explicitly find:

  1. The row index of country \(G\) (Luxembourg),

  2. The row indices of African countries.

  3. The Manhattan distances for African countries.

social_indicator.set_index(['continent','country'],inplace = True)
social_indicator_scaled = social_indicator.apply(lambda x: (x-x.mean())/(x.std()))
manhattan_distances = (social_indicator_scaled-social_indicator_scaled.loc[('Europe','Luxembourg'),:]).abs().sum(axis=1)

As we have converted the columns continent and country to row indices, all the lines of code where we were keeping track of the index of country \(G\), African countries, and Manhattan distances of African countries are eliminated. Three lines of code are eliminated.

Hierarchical indexing relieves us from keeping track of indices, if we set indices that are relatable to our analysis.

Use the Pandas DataFrame method mean() with the level argument to find the mean value of all social indicators for each continent.

economicActivityFemale economicActivityMale gdpPerCapita illiteracyFemale illiteracyMale infantMortality lifeFemale lifeMale totalfertilityrate
Asia 41.592683 79.282927 27796.390244 23.635951 13.780878 39.853659 70.724390 66.575610 3.482927
Africa 46.732258 79.445161 7127.483871 52.907226 33.673548 77.967742 56.841935 53.367742 4.889677
Oceania 51.280000 77.953333 14525.666667 9.666667 6.585200 23.666667 72.406667 67.813333 3.509333
North America 45.238095 77.166667 18609.047619 17.390286 14.609905 22.904762 75.457143 70.161905 2.804286
South America 42.008333 75.575000 15925.916667 9.991667 6.750000 34.750000 72.691667 66.975000 2.872500
Europe 52.060000 70.291429 45438.200000 2.308343 1.413543 10.571429 77.757143 70.374286 1.581714

8.1.6 Practice exercise 3

Let us try to find the areas where NU students lack in diversity. Read survey_data_clean.csv. Use hierarchical indexing to classify the columns as follows:

Classify the following variables as lifestyle:

lifestyle = ['fav_alcohol', 'parties_per_month', 'smoke', 'weed','streaming_platforms', 'minutes_ex_per_week',
       'sleep_hours_per_day', 'internet_hours_per_day', 'procrastinator', 'num_clubs','student_athlete','social_media']

Classify the following variables as personality:

personality = ['introvert_extrovert', 'left_right_brained', 'personality_type', 
       'num_insta_followers', 'fav_sport','learning_style','dominant_hand']

Classify the following variables as opinion:

opinion = ['love_first_sight', 'expected_marriage_age',  'expected_starting_salary', 'how_happy', 
       'fav_number', 'fav_letter', 'fav_season',   'political_affliation', 'cant_change_math_ability',
       'can_change_math_ability', 'math_is_genetic', 'much_effort_is_lack_of_talent']

Classify the following variables as academic information:

academic_info = ['major', 'num_majors_minors',
       'high_school_GPA', 'NU_GPA', 'school_year','AP_stats', 'used_python_before']

Classify the following variables as demographics:

demographics = [ 'only_child','birth_month', 
       'living_location_on_campus', 'age', 'height', 'height_father',
       'height_mother',  'childhood_in_US', 'gender', 'region_of_residence']

Write a function that finds the number of variables having outliers in a dataset. Apply the function to each of the 5 categories of variables in the dataset. Our hypothesis is that the category that has the maximum number of variables with outliers has the least amount of diversity. For continuous variables, use Tukey’s fences criterion to identify outliers. For categorical variables, consider levels having less than 1% observations as outliers. Assume that numeric variables that have more than 2 distinct values are continuous.


#Using hierarchical indexing to classify columns

#Reading data
survey_data = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/survey_data_clean.csv')

#Arranging columns in the order of categories
survey_data_HI = survey_data[lifestyle+personality+opinion+academic_info+demographics]

#Creating hierarchical indexing to classify columns
#Function to identify outliers based on Tukey's fences for continous variables and 1% criterion for categorical variables
def rem_outliers(x):
    if ((len(x.value_counts())>2) & (x.dtype!='O')):#continuous variable
        q1 =x.quantile(0.25)
        q3 = x.quantile(0.75)
        intQ_range = q3-q1

        #Tukey's fences
        Lower_fence = q1 - 1.5*intQ_range
        Upper_fence = q3 + 1.5*intQ_range

        num_outliers = ((x<Lower_fence) | (x>Upper_fence)).sum()
        if num_outliers>0:
            return True
        return False
    else:                                       #categorical variable
        if np.min(x.value_counts()/len(x))<0.01:
            return True
        return False
#Number of variables containing outlier(s) in each category
for category in survey_data_HI.columns.get_level_values(0).unique():
    print("Number of missing values for category ",category," = ",survey_data_HI[category].apply(rem_outliers).sum())
Number of missing values for category  lifestyle  =  7
Number of missing values for category  personality  =  2
Number of missing values for category  opinion  =  4
Number of missing values for category  academic_info  =  3
Number of missing values for category  demographics  =  4

The lifestyle category has the highest number of variables containing outlier(s). If the hypothesis is true, then NU students have the least diversity in their lifestyle, among all the categories.

Although one may say that the lifestyle category has the the highest number of columns (as shown below), the proportion of columns having outlier(s) is also the highest for this category.

for category in survey_data_HI.columns.get_level_values(0).unique():
    print("Number of columns in category ",category," = ",survey_data_HI[category].shape[1])
Number of columns in category  lifestyle  =  12
Number of columns in category  personality  =  7
Number of columns in category  opinion  =  12
Number of columns in category  academic_info  =  7
Number of columns in category  demographics  =  10

8.1.7 Reshaping data

Apart from ease in subsetting data, hierarchical indexing also plays a role in reshaping data. unstack() (Pandas Series method)

The Pandas Series method unstack() pivots the desired level of row indices to columns, thereby creating a DataFrame. By default, the inner-most level of the row labels is pivoted.

#Pivoting the inner-most Series row index to column labels
series_example_unstack = series_example.unstack()
1 2 3 4 5
English these are english words NaN
French ce sont des françai mots
Spanish estas son palabras en español

We can pivot the outer level of the row labels by specifying it in the level argument:

#Pivoting the outer row indices to column labels
series_example_unstack = series_example.unstack(level=0)
English French Spanish
1 these ce estas
2 are sont son
3 english des palabras
4 words françai en
5 NaN mots español unstack() (Pandas DataFrame method)

The Pandas DataFrame method unstack() pivots the specified level of row indices to the new inner-most level of column labels. By default, the inner-most level of the row labels is pivoted.

#Pivoting the inner level of row labels to the inner-most level of column labels
State Illinois California
City Evanston Chicago San Francisco Los Angeles
Statistic Area (mile-sq) Elevation (feet) Population Unemployement (%) Area (mile-sq) Elevation (feet) Population Unemployement (%) Area (mile-sq) Elevation (feet) Population Unemployement (%) Area (mile-sq) Elevation (feet) Population Unemployement (%)
Information type
Demographics NaN NaN 771517.0 4.2 NaN NaN 2697000.0 5.6 NaN NaN 815201.0 2.8 NaN NaN 3849000.0 4.6
Geography 7.8 6749.0 NaN NaN 234.5 597.0 NaN NaN 46.9 52.0 NaN NaN 502.0 305.0 NaN NaN

As with Series, we can pivot the outer level of the row labels by specifying it in the level argument:

#Pivoting the outer level (level = 0) of row labels to the inner-most level of column labels
State Illinois California
City Evanston Chicago San Francisco Los Angeles
Information type Demographics Geography Demographics Geography Demographics Geography Demographics Geography
Area (mile-sq) NaN 7.8 NaN 234.5 NaN 46.9 NaN 502.0
Elevation (feet) NaN 6749.0 NaN 597.0 NaN 52.0 NaN 305.0
Population 771517.0 NaN 2697000.0 NaN 815201.0 NaN 3849000.0 NaN
Unemployement (%) 4.2 NaN 5.6 NaN 2.8 NaN 4.6 NaN stack()

The inverse of unstack() is the stack() method, which creates the inner-most level of row indices by pivoting the column labels of the prescribed level.

Note that if the column labels have only one level, we don’t need to specify a level.

#Stacking the columns of a DataFrame
English  1       these
         2         are
         3     english
         4       words
French   1          ce
         2        sont
         3         des
         4     françai
         5        mots
Spanish  1       estas
         2         son
         3    palabras
         4          en
         5     español
dtype: object

However, if the columns have multiple levels, we can specify the level to stack as the inner-most row level. By default, the inner-most column level is stacked.

#Stacking the inner-most column labels inner-most row indices
State California Illinois
Information type Statistic City
Demographics Population Chicago NaN 2697000.0
Evanston NaN 771517.0
Los Angeles 3849000.0 NaN
San Francisco 815201.0 NaN
Unemployement (%) Chicago NaN 5.6
Evanston NaN 4.2
Los Angeles 4.6 NaN
San Francisco 2.8 NaN
Geography Area (mile-sq) Chicago NaN 234.5
Evanston NaN 7.8
Los Angeles 502.0 NaN
San Francisco 46.9 NaN
Elevation (feet) Chicago NaN 597.0
Evanston NaN 6749.0
Los Angeles 305.0 NaN
San Francisco 52.0 NaN
#Stacking the outer column labels inner-most row indices
City Chicago Evanston Los Angeles San Francisco
Information type Statistic State
Demographics Population California NaN NaN 3849000.0 815201.0
Illinois 2697000.0 771517.0 NaN NaN
Unemployement (%) California NaN NaN 4.6 2.8
Illinois 5.6 4.2 NaN NaN
Geography Area (mile-sq) California NaN NaN 502.0 46.9
Illinois 234.5 7.8 NaN NaN
Elevation (feet) California NaN NaN 305.0 52.0
Illinois 597.0 6749.0 NaN NaN

8.2 Merging data

The Pandas DataFrame method merge() uses columns defined as key column(s) to merge two datasets. In case the key column(s) are not defined, the overlapping column(s) are considered as the key columns.

8.2.1 Join types

When a dataset is merged with another based on key column(s), one of the following four types of join will occur depending on the repetition of the values of the key(s) in the datasets.

  1. One-to-one, (ii) Many-to-one, (iii) One-to-Many, and (iv) Many-to-many

The type of join may sometimes determine the number of rows to be obtained in the merged dataset. If we don’t get the expected number of rows in the merged dataset, an investigation of the datsets may be neccessary to identify and resolve the issue. There may be several possible issues, for example, the dataset may not be arranged in a way that we have assumed it to be arranged.

We’ll use toy datasets to understand the above types of joins. The .csv files with the prefix student consist of the names of a few students along with their majors, and the files with the prefix skills consist of the names of majors along with the skills imparted by the respective majors.

data_student = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/student_one.csv')
data_skill = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/skills_one.csv') One-to-one join

Each row in one dataset is linked (or related) to a single row in another dataset based on the key column(s).

Student Major
0 Kitana Statistics
1 Jax Computer Science
2 Sonya Material Science
3 Johnny Music
Major Skills
0 Statistics Inference
1 Computer Science Machine learning
2 Material Science Structure prediction
3 Music Opera
Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
2 Sonya Material Science Structure prediction
3 Johnny Music Opera Many-to-one join

One or more rows in one dataset is linked (or related) to a single row in another dataset based on the key column(s).

data_student = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/student_many.csv')
data_skill = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/skills_one.csv')
Student Major
0 Kitana Statistics
1 Kitana Computer Science
2 Jax Computer Science
3 Sonya Material Science
4 Johnny Music
5 Johnny Statistics
Major Skills
0 Statistics Inference
1 Computer Science Machine learning
2 Material Science Structure prediction
3 Music Opera
Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Johnny Statistics Inference
2 Kitana Computer Science Machine learning
3 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
4 Sonya Material Science Structure prediction
5 Johnny Music Opera One-to-many join

Each row in one dataset is linked (or related) to one, or more rows in another dataset based on the key column(s).

data_student = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/student_one.csv')
data_skill = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/skills_many.csv')
Student Major
0 Kitana Statistics
1 Jax Computer Science
2 Sonya Material Science
3 Johnny Music
Major Skills
0 Statistics Inference
1 Statistics Modeling
2 Computer Science Machine learning
3 Computer Science Computing
4 Material Science Structure prediction
5 Music Opera
6 Music Pop
7 Music Classical
Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Kitana Statistics Modeling
2 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
3 Jax Computer Science Computing
4 Sonya Material Science Structure prediction
5 Johnny Music Opera
6 Johnny Music Pop
7 Johnny Music Classical Many-to-many join

One, or more, rows in one dataset is linked (or related) to one, or more, rows in another dataset using the key column(s).

data_student = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/student_many.csv')
data_skill = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/skills_many.csv')
Student Major
0 Kitana Statistics
1 Kitana Computer Science
2 Jax Computer Science
3 Sonya Material Science
4 Johnny Music
5 Johnny Statistics
Major Skills
0 Statistics Inference
1 Statistics Modeling
2 Computer Science Machine learning
3 Computer Science Computing
4 Material Science Structure prediction
5 Music Opera
6 Music Pop
7 Music Classical
Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Kitana Statistics Modeling
2 Johnny Statistics Inference
3 Johnny Statistics Modeling
4 Kitana Computer Science Machine learning
5 Kitana Computer Science Computing
6 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
7 Jax Computer Science Computing
8 Sonya Material Science Structure prediction
9 Johnny Music Opera
10 Johnny Music Pop
11 Johnny Music Classical

Note that there are two ‘Statistics’ rows in data_student, and two ‘Statistics’ rows in data_skill, resulting in 2x2 = 4 ‘Statistics’ rows in the merged data. The same is true for the ‘Computer ScienceMajor.

8.2.2 Join types with how argument

The above mentioned types of join (one-to-one, many-to-one, etc.) occur depening on the structure of the datasets being merged. We don’t have control over the type of join. However, we can control how the joins are occurring. We can merge (or join) two datasets in one of the following four ways:

  1. inner join, (ii) left join, (iii) right join, (iv) outer join inner join

This is the join that occurs by default, i.e., without specifying the how argument in the merge() function. In inner join, only those observations are merged that have the same value(s) in the key column(s) of both the datasets.

data_student = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/student_how.csv')
data_skill = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/skills_how.csv')
Student Major
0 Kitana Statistics
1 Jax Computer Science
2 Sonya Material Science
Major Skills
0 Statistics Inference
1 Computer Science Machine learning
2 Music Opera
Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Jax Computer Science Machine learning

When you may use inner join? You should use inner join when you cannot carry out the analysis unless the observation corresponding to the key column(s) is present in both the tables.

Example: Suppose you wish to analyze the association between vaccinations and covid infection rate based on country-level data. In one of the datasets, you have the infection rate for each country, while in the other one you have the number of vaccinations in each country. The countries which have either the vaccination or the infection rate missing, cannot help analyze the association. In such as case you may be interested only in countries that have values for both the variables. Thus, you will use inner join to discard the countries with either value missing. left join

In left join, the merged dataset will have all the rows of the dataset that is specified first in the merge() function. Only those observations of the other dataset will be merged whose value(s) in the key column(s) exist in the dataset specified first in the merge() function.

Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
2 Sonya Material Science NaN

When you may use left join? You should use left join when the primary variable(s) of interest are present in the one of the datasets, and whose missing values cannot be imputed. The variable(s) in the other dataset may not be as important or it may be possible to reasonably impute their values, if missing corresponding to the observation in the primary dataset.


  1. Suppose you wish to analyze the association between the covid infection rate and the government effectiveness score (a metric used to determine the effectiveness of the government in implementing policies, upholding law and order etc.) based on the data of all countries. Let us say that one of the datasets contains the covid infection rate, while the other one contains the government effectiveness score for each country. If the infection rate for a country is missing, it might be hard to impute. However, the government effectiveness score may be easier to impute based on GDP per capita, crime rate etc. - information that is easily available online. In such a case, you may wish to use a left join where you keep all the countries for which the infection rate is known.

  2. Suppose you wish to analyze the association between demographics such as age, income etc. and the amount of credit card spend. Let us say one of the datasets contains the demographic information of each customer, while the other one contains the credit card spend for the customers who made at least one purchase. In such as case, you may want to do a left join as customers not making any purchase might be absent in the card spend data. Their spend can be imputed as zero after merging the datasets. right join

In right join, the merged dataset will have all the rows of the dataset that is specified second in the merge() function. Only those observations of the other dataset will be merged whose value(s) in the key column(s) exist in the dataset specified second in the merge() function.

Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
2 NaN Music Opera

When you may use right join? You can always use a left join instead of a right join. Their purpose is the same. outer join

In outer join, the merged dataset will have all the rows of both the datasets being merged.

Student Major Skills
0 Kitana Statistics Inference
1 Jax Computer Science Machine learning
2 Sonya Material Science NaN
3 NaN Music Opera

When you may use outer join? You should use an outer join when you cannot afford to lose data present in either of the tables. All the other joins may result in loss of data.

Example: Suppose I took two course surveys for this course. If I need to analyze student sentiment during the course, I will take an outer join of both the surveys. Assume that each survey is a dataset, where each row corresponds to a unique student. Even if a student has answered one of the two surverys, it will be indicative of the sentiment, and will be useful to keep in the merged dataset.

8.3 Concatenating datasets

The Pandas DataFrame method concat() is used to stack datasets along an axis. The method is similar to NumPy’s concatenate() method.

Example: You are given the life expectancy data of each continent as a separate *.csv file. Visualize the change of life expectancy over time for different continents.

data_asia = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpec_Asia.csv')
data_europe = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpec_Europe.csv')
data_africa = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpec_Africa.csv')
data_oceania = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpec_Oceania.csv')
data_americas = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/gdp_lifeExpec_Americas.csv')
#Appending all the data files, i.e., stacking them on top of each other
data_all_continents = pd.concat([data_asia,data_europe,data_africa,data_oceania,data_americas],keys = ['Asia','Europe','Africa','Oceania','Americas'])
country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
Asia 0 Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Afghanistan 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Afghanistan 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Afghanistan 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Afghanistan 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Americas 295 Venezuela 1987 70.190 17910182 9883.584648
296 Venezuela 1992 71.150 20265563 10733.926310
297 Venezuela 1997 72.146 22374398 10165.495180
298 Venezuela 2002 72.766 24287670 8605.047831
299 Venezuela 2007 73.747 26084662 11415.805690

1704 rows × 5 columns

Let’s have the continent as a column as we need to use that in the visualization.

data_all_continents.reset_index(inplace = True)
level_0 level_1 country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Asia 0 Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Asia 1 Afghanistan 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Asia 2 Afghanistan 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Asia 3 Afghanistan 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Asia 4 Afghanistan 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
data_all_continents.drop(columns = 'level_1',inplace = True)
data_all_continents.rename(columns = {'level_0':'continent'},inplace = True)
continent country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Asia Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Asia Afghanistan 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Asia Afghanistan 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Asia Afghanistan 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Asia Afghanistan 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
#change of life expectancy over time for different continents
a = sns.FacetGrid(data_all_continents,col = 'continent',col_wrap = 3,height = 4.5,aspect = 1)#height = 3,aspect = 0.8)

In the above example, datasets were appended (or stacked on top of each other).

Datasets can also be concatenated side-by-side (by providing the argument axis = 1 with the concat() function) as we saw with the merge function.

8.3.1 Practice exercise 4

Read the documentations of the Pandas DataFrame methods merge() and concat(), and identify the differences. Mention examples when you can use (i) either, (ii) only concat(), (iii) only merge()


  1. If we need to merge datasets using row indices, we can use either function.

  2. If we need to stack datasets one on top of the other, we can only use concat()

  3. If we need to merge datasets using overlapping columns we can only use merge()

8.4 Reshaping data

Data often needs to be re-arranged to ease analysis.

8.4.1 Pivoting “long” to “wide” format


This function helps re-arrange data from the ‘long’ form to a ‘wide’ form.

Example: Let us consider the dataset data_all_continents obtained in the previous section after concatenating the data of all the continents.

continent country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Asia Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Asia Afghanistan 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Asia Afghanistan 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Asia Afghanistan 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Asia Afghanistan 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106 Pivoting a single column

For visualizing life expectancy in 2007 against life expectancy in 1957, we will need to filter the data, and then make the plot. Everytime that we need to compare a metric for a year against another year, we will need to filter the data.

If we need to often compare metrics of a year against another year, it will be easier to have each year as a separate column, instead of having all years in a single column.

As we are increasing the number of columns and decreasing the number of rows, we are re-arranging the data from long-form to wide-form.

data_wide = data_all_continents.pivot(index = ['continent','country'],columns = 'year',values = 'lifeExp')
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
continent country
Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295

With values of year as columns, it is easy to compare any metric for different years.

#visualizing the change in life expectancy of all countries in 2007 as compared to that in 1957, i.e., the overall change in life expectancy in 50 years. 
sns.scatterplot(data = data_wide, x = 1957,y=2007,hue = 'continent')
sns.lineplot(data = data_wide, x = 1957,y = 1957)
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='1957', ylabel='2007'>

Observe that for some African countries, the life expectancy has decreased after 50 years. It is worth investigating these countries to identify factors associated with the decrease. Pivoting multiple columns

In the above transformation, we retained only lifeExp in the ‘wide’ dataset. Suppose, we are also interested in visualizing GDP per capita of countries in one year against another year. In that case, we must have gdpPercap in the ’wide’-form data as well.

Let us create a dataset named as data_wide_lifeExp_gdpPercap that will contain both lifeExp and gdpPercap for each year in a separate column. We will specify the columns to pivot in the values argument of the pivot() function.

data_wide_lifeExp_gdpPercap = data_all_continents.pivot(index = ['continent','country'],columns = 'year',values = ['lifeExp','gdpPercap'])
lifeExp ... gdpPercap
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 ... 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
continent country
Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 ... 2550.816880 3246.991771 4182.663766 4910.416756 5745.160213 5681.358539 5023.216647 4797.295051 5288.040382 6223.367465
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 ... 4269.276742 5522.776375 5473.288005 3008.647355 2756.953672 2430.208311 2627.845685 2277.140884 2773.287312 4797.231267
Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 ... 949.499064 1035.831411 1085.796879 1029.161251 1277.897616 1225.856010 1191.207681 1232.975292 1372.877931 1441.284873
Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 ... 983.653976 1214.709294 2263.611114 3214.857818 4551.142150 6205.883850 7954.111645 8647.142313 11003.605080 12569.851770
Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 ... 722.512021 794.826560 854.735976 743.387037 807.198586 912.063142 931.752773 946.294962 1037.645221 1217.032994

5 rows × 24 columns

The metric for each year is now in a separate column, and can be visualized directly. Note that re-arranging the dataset from the ‘long’-form to ‘wide-form’ leads to hierarchical indexing of columns when multiple ‘values’ need to be re-arranged. In this case, the multiple ‘values’ that need to be re-arranged are lifeExp and gdpPercap.

8.4.2 Melting “wide” to “long” format


This function is used to re-arrange the dataset from the ‘wide’ form to the ‘long’ form. Melting columns with a single type of value

Let us consider data_wide created in the previous section.

year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
continent country
Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295

Suppose, we wish to visualize the change of life expectancy over time for different continents, as we did in section 8.3. For plotting lifeExp against year, all the years must be in a single column. Thus, we need to melt the columns of data_wide to a single column and call it year.

But before melting the columns in the above dataset, we will convert continent to a column, as we need to make subplots based on continent.

The Pandas DataFrame method reset_index() can be used to remove one or more levels of indexing from the DataFrame.

#Making 'continent' a column instead of row-index at level 0
year continent 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Algeria Africa 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola Africa 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Benin Africa 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
Botswana Africa 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
Burkina Faso Africa 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295
data_melted=pd.melt(data_wide,id_vars = ['continent'],var_name = 'Year',value_name = 'LifeExp')
continent Year LifeExp
0 Africa 1952 43.077
1 Africa 1952 30.015
2 Africa 1952 38.223
3 Africa 1952 47.622
4 Africa 1952 31.975

With the above DataFrame, we can visualize the mean life expectancy against year separately for each continent.

If we wish to have country also in the above data, we can keep it while resetting the index:

#Creating 'data_wide' again
data_wide = data_all_continents.pivot(index = ['continent','country'],columns = 'year',values = 'lifeExp')

#Resetting the row-indices to default values
year continent country 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
0 Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
1 Africa Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
2 Africa Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
3 Africa Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
4 Africa Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295
#Melting the 'year' column
data_melted=pd.melt(data_wide,id_vars = ['continent','country'],var_name = 'Year',value_name = 'LifeExp')
continent country Year LifeExp
0 Africa Algeria 1952 43.077
1 Africa Angola 1952 30.015
2 Africa Benin 1952 38.223
3 Africa Botswana 1952 47.622
4 Africa Burkina Faso 1952 31.975 Melting columns with multiple types of values

Consider the dataset created in Section It has two types of values - lifeExp and gdpPercapita, which are the column labels at the outer level. The melt() function will melt all the years of data into a single column. However, it will create another column based on the outer level column labels - lifeExp and gdpPercapita to distinguish between these two types of values. Here, we see that the function melt() internally uses hierarchical indexing to handle the transformation of multiple types of columns.

data_melt = pd.melt(data_wide_lifeExp_gdpPercap.reset_index(),id_vars = ['continent','country'],var_name = ['Metric','year'])
continent country Metric year value
0 Africa Algeria lifeExp 1952 43.077
1 Africa Angola lifeExp 1952 30.015
2 Africa Benin lifeExp 1952 38.223
3 Africa Botswana lifeExp 1952 47.622
4 Africa Burkina Faso lifeExp 1952 31.975

Although the data above is in ‘long’-form, it is not quiet in its original format, as in data_all_continents. We need to pivot again by Metric to have two separate columns of gdpPercap and lifeExp.

data_restore = data_melt.pivot(index = ['continent','country','year'],columns = 'Metric')
Metric gdpPercap lifeExp
continent country year
Africa Algeria 1952 2449.008185 43.077
1957 3013.976023 45.685
1962 2550.816880 48.303
1967 3246.991771 51.407
1972 4182.663766 54.518

Now, we can convert the row indices of continent and country to columns to restore the dataset to the same form as data_all_continents.

data_restore.reset_index(inplace = True)
continent country year value
Metric gdpPercap lifeExp
0 Africa Algeria 1952 2449.008185 43.077
1 Africa Algeria 1957 3013.976023 45.685
2 Africa Algeria 1962 2550.816880 48.303
3 Africa Algeria 1967 3246.991771 51.407
4 Africa Algeria 1972 4182.663766 54.518

8.4.3 Practice exercise 5

Both unstack() and pivot() seem to transform the data from the ‘long’ form to the ‘wide’ form. Is there a difference between the two functions?


Yes, both the functions transform the data from the ‘long’ form to the ‘wide’ form. However, unstack() pivots the row indices, while pivot() pivots the columns of the DataFrame.

Even though both functions are a bit different, it is possible to just use one of them to perform a reshaping operation. If we wish to pivot a column, we can either use pivot() directly on the column, or we can convert the column to row indices and then use unstack(). If we wish to pivot row indices, we can either use unstack() directly on the row indices, or we can convert row indices to a column and then use pivot().

To summarise, using one function may be more straightforward than using the other one, but either can be used for reshaping data from the ‘long’ form to the ‘wide’ form.

Below is an example where we perform the same reshaping operation with either function.

Consider the data data_all_continent. Suppose we wish to transform it to data_wide as we did using pivot() in Section Let us do it using unstack(), instead of pivot().

The first step will be to reindex data to set year as row indices, and also continent and country as row indices because these two column were set as indices with the pivot() function in Section

#Reindexing data to make 'continent', 'country', and 'year' as hierarchical row indices
lifeExp pop gdpPercap
continent country year
Asia Afghanistan 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
... ... ... ... ... ...
Americas Venezuela 1987 70.190 17910182 9883.584648
1992 71.150 20265563 10733.926310
1997 72.146 22374398 10165.495180
2002 72.766 24287670 8605.047831
2007 73.747 26084662 11415.805690

1704 rows × 3 columns

Now we can use unstack() to pivot the desired row index, i.e., year. Also, since we are only interested in pivoting the values of lifeExp (as in the example in Section, we will filter the pivoted data with the lifeExp column label.

year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
continent country
Africa Algeria 43.077 45.685 48.303 51.407 54.518 58.014 61.368 65.799 67.744 69.152 70.994 72.301
Angola 30.015 31.999 34.000 35.985 37.928 39.483 39.942 39.906 40.647 40.963 41.003 42.731
Benin 38.223 40.358 42.618 44.885 47.014 49.190 50.904 52.337 53.919 54.777 54.406 56.728
Botswana 47.622 49.618 51.520 53.298 56.024 59.319 61.484 63.622 62.745 52.556 46.634 50.728
Burkina Faso 31.975 34.906 37.814 40.697 43.591 46.137 48.122 49.557 50.260 50.324 50.650 52.295
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Europe Switzerland 69.620 70.560 71.320 72.770 73.780 75.390 76.210 77.410 78.030 79.370 80.620 81.701
Turkey 43.585 48.079 52.098 54.336 57.005 59.507 61.036 63.108 66.146 68.835 70.845 71.777
United Kingdom 69.180 70.420 70.760 71.360 72.010 72.760 74.040 75.007 76.420 77.218 78.471 79.425
Oceania Australia 69.120 70.330 70.930 71.100 71.930 73.490 74.740 76.320 77.560 78.830 80.370 81.235
New Zealand 69.390 70.260 71.240 71.520 71.890 72.220 73.840 74.320 76.330 77.550 79.110 80.204

142 rows × 12 columns

The above dataset is the same as that obtained using the pivot() function in Section

Both stack() and melt() seem to transform the data from the ‘wide’ form to the ‘long’ form. Is there a difference between the two functions?


Following the trend of the previous question, we can always use stack() instead of melt() and vice-versa. The main difference is that melt() lets us choose the indentifier columns with the argument id_vars. However, if we use stack(), we will need to set the relevant melted row indices as columns. On the other hand, if we wished to have the melted columns as row indices, we can either directly use stack() or use melt() and then set the desired columns as row indices.

To summarise, using one function may be more straightforward than using the other one, but either can be used for reshaping data from the ‘wide’ form to the ‘long’ form.

Let us melt the data data_wide_with_unstack using the stack() function to obtain the same dataset as obtained with the melt() function in Section

#Stacking the data
data_stacked = data_wide_with_unstack.stack()
continent  country      year
Africa     Algeria      1952    43.077
                        1957    45.685
                        1962    48.303
                        1967    51.407
                        1972    54.518
Oceania    New Zealand  1987    74.320
                        1992    76.330
                        1997    77.550
                        2002    79.110
                        2007    80.204
Length: 1704, dtype: float64

Now we need to convert the row indices continent and country to columns as in the melted data in Section

#Putting 'continent' and 'country' as columns
data_long_with_stack = data_stacked.reset_index()
continent country year 0
0 Africa Algeria 1952 43.077
1 Africa Algeria 1957 45.685
2 Africa Algeria 1962 48.303
3 Africa Algeria 1967 51.407
4 Africa Algeria 1972 54.518
... ... ... ... ...
1699 Oceania New Zealand 1987 74.320
1700 Oceania New Zealand 1992 76.330
1701 Oceania New Zealand 1997 77.550
1702 Oceania New Zealand 2002 79.110
1703 Oceania New Zealand 2007 80.204

1704 rows × 4 columns

Finally, we need to rename the column named as 0 to LifeExp to obtain the same dataset as in Section

#Renaming column 0 to 'LifeExp'
data_long_with_stack.rename(columns = {0:'LifeExp'},inplace=True)
continent country year LifeExp
0 Africa Algeria 1952 43.077
1 Africa Algeria 1957 45.685
2 Africa Algeria 1962 48.303
3 Africa Algeria 1967 51.407
4 Africa Algeria 1972 54.518
... ... ... ... ...
1699 Oceania New Zealand 1987 74.320
1700 Oceania New Zealand 1992 76.330
1701 Oceania New Zealand 1997 77.550
1702 Oceania New Zealand 2002 79.110
1703 Oceania New Zealand 2007 80.204

1704 rows × 4 columns